How to guides

Welcome to the How-to guides section of the Oreoweb documentation.How-to guides are like recipes: they guide you through the steps of solving key problems, such as implementing custom behavior.

Heroku deployment

In this guide, we will be looking at how to deploy a oreoweb application to Heroku. You can find the example code in the heroku-example repo

Setting things up

Oreoweb application

Let's assume you have the following script:

from oreoweb import Oreoweb

app = Oreoweb()

def home(req, resp):
    resp.text = "Hello, this is Oreo from Heroku"


The Procfile is a text file located in the root directory of your project which explicitly declares what command should be executed to start your app.

As described in Deployment, the following should fit most use cases:

web: gunicorn -w 4 -k  app:app


Heroku recognizes a Python app by the existence of requirements.txt file in the root directory (see Python Dependencies via Pip). Here's an example of what yours may look like:



Place this file in the root directory with a specific Python version. Heroku will look at it to determine which Python version to use.


#Deploying via the Heroku CLI

  1. Log into the Heroku CLI (you may need to install it on your machine):

heroku login
  1. Create the application on Heroku, e.g.:

heroku create my-oreoweb-app
  1. Add the app's git remote:

heroku git:remote -a my-oreoweb-app
  1. Commit the changes, if any:

git add .
git commit -m “Ready to deploy to Heroku”
  1. Deploy!

git push heroku master

Once this is done, you can visit the newly deployed application using $ heroku open.

Congrats! You've just deployed a Oreoweb application to Heroku. 🚀

Last updated